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Method of operation Yuanxing image measuring instrument
  1. [ 日期:2013-11-07 查看次数:3532 ]

Method of operation Yuanxing image measuring instrument

1, the electric control box, black knob switch, open theinstrument general power switch; start the computer andautomatic measurement software running (Note: in case of emergency in the process of measurement, can immediately press the rocker near the red emergency stop switch, three axis motor stop motion);

2, according to the surveying and mapping product size,rotate the zoom objective lens magnification adjusting ring,select the appropriate magnification.

3, the middle position of magnification correction plateplaced on a glass table, selection of light source with the mouse;

4, according to the different product when adjusting thelight source in the measuring process, ensure the clarity of the product, then the magnification correction;

5, the measured workpiece is placed in a glass table centre position of accessory, adjustable brightness of light source appropriate, use the mouse to move the table, and adjust the software, so that the workpiece can clear image,then detects workpieces with various size parameters,software specific operation method, please refer to the instruction manual that comes with the measurementsoftware;

Preparation: encountered any problems in themeasurement of the specific process, please call the company customer service technical advisory service.

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